Best Healthy Snacks For Dogs | Poochie Butter

  • By Stephanie C
  • 10 Nov, 2019
People give their dog treats for many reasons, including rewards for training or simply to keep them busy for a bit. And, if they’re healthy and safe, snacks can add a little variety to your dog’s life, as well as some added nutrition. Here are some of the healthiest snacks for your dog, all low-calorie and low-fat, as well as mineral and vitamin-packed.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is not only a highly nutritious dog treat – it’s versatile and entertaining. You can sneak pills with it, put it in an interactive toy, or simply enjoy watching your dog have a lip-smacking good time. There is an excellent treat on the market known as Poochie Butter, the makers of which have done the peanut butter research for you. It meets all the requirements of a safe and healthy peanut butter treat - no salt, sugar, or preservatives- with added nutrients to boot.


If you’ve never given your dog strawberries, you both may be in for a treat. Many dogs absolutely love strawberries, which are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients that support your pup’s immune system and muscular function. Fruitables makes crunchy strawberry-yogurt dog treats, or you can DIY and whip up some homemade strawberry-oatmeal treats for your canine companion.


Carrots can add both vitamin A (good for healthy vision and immune system support) and extra fiber to your dog’s diet, Just make sure that it’s small enough for them to safely eat. Whole baby carrots can be given to bigger dogs, but it’s ideal to cut carrots into small pieces to be safe. Whether you make homemade peanut butter-carrot dog treats or give your pet the carrots raw, they’re sure to love this particular treat.


Many vets recommend bananas as a healthy alternative to salty, fatty treats. Bananas are high in vitamins C and B6, potassium, fiber for gastrointestinal health, and magnesium for bone growth and protein production. They do contain a lot of fructose, so moderation is the key.

Try some DIY peanut butter-banana treats or Nutro Crunchy with Real Banana dog treats.


Cucumber is a crunchy, low-calorie snack that many dogs love, with just eight calories per 1/2 cup serving (Milk Bone dog biscuits, in comparison, have 40). They are great for a dog on a weight loss plan and offer other benefits as well. One cup of cucumber contains:

  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Vitamins C, B1, and K
  • Molybdenum
  • Manganese
  • Biotin

With this well-rounded list of the healthiest homemade and packaged snacks for your dog, you should be able to avoid giving your pup empty calories and add some variety to their life.
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We know that dogs love peanut butter, but recently, people have been claiming that this sticky treat is toxic to dogs. Could this be true? Should you feed peanut butter to your dog? Let’s set the record straight.

The toxic ingredient isn’t the peanut butter itself, but rather the artificial sweetener xylitol. Even a small amount of xylitol can poison your furry friend. Unfortunately, many “sugar-free” brands of peanut butter contain this ingredient. Here’s how you can keep your dog safe.

Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs. As little as 1.37 grams of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia, which can lead to disorientation and even seizure. A larger dose of xylitol causes severe, irreversible liver damage. By contrast, it takes 150 grams of dark chocolate to cause the same effects.

That means you must be certain that the peanut butter you give your dog has absolutely no xylitol. Don’t be fooled by product labels that say “all-natural.” They can still contain this ingredient, and even a tiny amount can cause severe health effects.

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